Air hostel «Legenda»

Room configuration
Air hostel «Legenda» is located on the territory of the hotel of the same name and is a room for 4 people. A comfortable sleeping area with a socket and a lamp, a built-in wardrobe for storing clothes and belongings, as well as an individual workplace right in the room are prepared for each guest.
Free Wi-Fi
room size
sleeping places
categories «HOSTEL»
round-the-clock check-in
Rain shower
Tea making facilities
Lamp and socket by the bed
Magnification mirror
Hair dryer
Booking takes no longer than 2 minutes
We provide high-quality service and favorable living conditions
Tariff «10 hours»
Especially for the guests of the aero hostel, a 10-hour accommodation format is available. It is profitable and convenient if you need to spend the night exclusively.
Coffee point
A coffee point works 24 hours a day in the territory of the hotel where you can try hot and tasty coffee.
Coworking zone
Get your business done in the quiet office atmosphere of the hotel coworking. We’ll make sure nobody distracts you.
We provide high-quality service and favorable living conditions
We provide high-quality service and favorable living conditions
Tariff «10 hours»
Especially for the guests of the aero hostel, a 10-hour accommodation format is available. It is profitable and convenient if you need to spend the night exclusively.
Coffee point
A coffee point works 24 hours a day in the territory of the hotel where you can try hot and tasty coffee.
Coworking area
Get your business done in the quiet office atmosphere of the hotel coworking.
We’ll make sure nobody distracts you.
На территории отеля располагается все необходимое
для комфортного отдыха
Services of the air hostel «Legenda»
Cozy lounge
Coworking area
Luggage storage room
Express check-out
from the hotel
Coffee point
Dry cleaning
Lifting luggage
to the room
Calling a taxi
Parking space
Any other questions?
Ask them to the administrator
How to get to the air hostel
2 minutes from the Krasnoyarsk airport terminal
38 km from the railway station of Krasnoyarsk
40 km from the center of Krasnoyarsk city
Taxi from Krasnoyarsk city from 1150 ₽
From airport terminal
From the railway station
From the center
of Krasnoyarsk
Taxi from Krasnoyarsk
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Special offers
Krasnoyarsk Krai, Emelianovsky region, airport Krasnoyarsk named after Khvorostovsky D.A., 1/1
– booking
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